Wednesday 7 September 2016

Benefits of controlling your anger the dhammapada (Part -2)

The Dhammapada
Verse 222: Annatarabhikkhu Vatthu 

Yo ve uppatitam kodham, ratham bhantamva varaye tamaham sarathim brumi, rasmiggaho itaro jano.

Verse 222: He who restrains his rising anger as a skilful charioteer checks a speeding chariot, — him I call a true charioteer; other charioteers only hold the reins.

Once, a bhikkhu from Alavi wanted to build a monastery and so he began to cut down a tree. The deva dwelling in that tree (rukkha devata) tried to stop him, saying that she and her infant son had nowhere to go.

Failing to stop the bhikkhu she put her son on a branch, hoping that it would stop him from cutting the tree. By then, the bhikkhu was already swinging his axe and he could not stop it in time and unintentionally cut off an arm of the child. Seeing her child being harmed in this way, the mother flew in a rage and was about to kill the bhikkhu.

As she raised her hands to strike the bhikkhu, she suddenly checked herself and thought, “If I were to kill a bhikkhu, I would be killing one who observes the moral precepts (sila); in that case, I would surely suffer in niraya. Other guardian devas of the trees would be following my example and other bhikkhus would also be killed. But this bhikkhu has a master; I must go and see his master.”

So she went weeping to the Buddha and related all that had happened.

To her the Buddha said, “O rukkha devata! You have done well to control yourself.”

Then the Buddha spoke the following verse: “He who restrains his rising anger as a skilful charioteer checks a speeding chariot, — him I call a true charioteer; other charioteers only hold the reins.”

At the end of the discourse the deva attained Sotapatti Fruition, and for her dwelling place she was offered a tree near the perfumed chamber of the Buddha. After this incident, the Buddha forbade bhikkhus to cut vegetation, such as grass, plants, shrubs and trees.

By the time Sameer finished reading, he was already calm. There was a certain knowing that filled his heart. He understood that his action provoked by anger may lead to more harm, rather than providing a solution for the situation.

He re-read the story and resolved to do what rukkha devata had done–to seek the master, and in his
case, the big boss himself–the chairman of the firm.

He went straight to the top floor of the office and mustering enough courage introduced himself to the chairman’s secretary. With a humble voice, Sameer said, “Ma’am, I want to ask you for a favour. For you, it might be a small thing, but for me, it is a life changing moment. I need to meet up with the chairman for just a minute. And, I know only you could facilitate that.”

While the protocol has been stringent, the conviction in Sameer’s voice made the secretary do the unthinkable. She beeped the intercom and told her boss that an employee wants to meet  him regarding today’s meeting. The chairman asked him to be sent in.

As Sameer stepped inside the plush office, the old anxiety returned. He knew if this ended badly, it might result into him being fired from the organisation.

“Yes, young man, what do you want to talk about?” asked the chairman.

“Sir, I am here to ask you if given a choice, what would you have chosen, the ultimate truth or the illusionary comfort?” asked Sameer calmly, surprised at his own daring.

The chairman was taken by surprise, but regained his composure quickly.After all, he was a man of the world, someone who has experienced many weathers. He understood that Sameer was there to tell him a bitter truth, and it had required him immense courage to take up the elevator to the top floor.

“In my experience, illusionary comfort can only take you that far, whereas,ultimate truth, how much bitter it might be, will free you from all bonds and help you reach through the eons,” answered the chairman calmly.

“Then you would appreciate what I have done today, and that I may speak freely without fear in front of you?” asked Sameer.

“Yes, my boy,” reassured the chairman.

Sameer told the chairman about the presentation, his boss’ behaviour, his reaction and what prompted him to calm down.

The chairman reflected on Sameer’s story profoundly. The meeting was about to begin. There was no time for words now. The chairman asked Sameer to follow him to the boardroom.

As everyone greeted the chairman, the shock on Sameer’s boss’ face was evident. When everyone bettled in their seats, the chairman said, “Every now and then, we are promoted to act out of anger, which could be even due to some injustice done unto. However, how we react in such a situation defines our inner-self, the basic human behaviour. This young man here, despite being cheated, did not behave angrily. Instead, he had the courage to stand against the injustice in a calm manner. That’s what we need to incorporate in our corporate goals as well. Giving a voice to our employees to stand up against injustice peacefully.”

Sameer’s boss was red with embarrassment. He stood up and went up to Sameer and said, “Any word of apology would be too small, but I still seek your forgiveness. I was envious seeing you excel and wanted to steal your thunder. Please forgive me and take up your rightful position on the podium.”

Tears almost welled up in Sameer’s eyes. His moment under the sun had finally arrived and he didn’t want to miss it for the world. He stood at the podium and awed the audience with his perfect presentation.

#Buddha #Buddhism #Zen #Life #Lifestyle #wisdomwinds

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